
Ekim, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Scorpio Solar Eclipse (25th of October)

  Solar eclipses cause events that can sometimes be seen as destiny to affect our lives and create new beginnings and brand-new opportunities suddenly and unexpectedly. Solar eclipses make us pay attention to areas in our lives that need to be changed and rebuilt. If a solar eclipse is aspected by a major planet or axis in your chart, change is inevitable.   We might be faced with the situation of adapting to the new environment before we understand what it is going on. Sometimes, we may feel fear or anxiety because it is an area we have never experienced before.   The solar eclipse, which will take place on October 25 with the conjunction of Venus in 2nd degree of Scorpio, will have very strong and transformative effects. It will cause great changes in our individual relationships, material and intangible values.   The series of eclipses in Scorpio and Taurus began on November 19, 2021 and will continue for 18 months from this date. A series of eclipses in fixed sig...